Package occi :: Module wsgi
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Module wsgi

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Module which incorporates the WSGI integration.

Created on 22.11.2011

Author: tmetsch

Classes [hide private]
An WSGI application for OCCI.
Functions [hide private]
Will parse the HTTP Headers and only return those who are needed for the OCCI service.
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Parse the body from the WSGI environ.
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Parse the query from the WSGI environ.
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_set_hostname(environ, registry)
Set the hostname of the service.
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Variables [hide private]
  RETURN_CODES = {200: '200 OK', 201: '201 Created', 400: '400 B...
  __package__ = 'occi'

Imports: VERSION, KindBackend, MixinBackend, ActionBackend, HTTPError, QUERY_STRING, QueryHandler, CollectionHandler, ResourceHandler, CATEGORY, LINK, ATTRIBUTE, LOCATION, ACCEPT, CONTENT_TYPE, HTMLRendering, JsonRendering, TextOcciRendering, TextPlainRendering, TextUriListRendering, NonePersistentRegistry, StringIO, logging

Function Details [hide private]


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Will parse the HTTP Headers and only return those who are needed for the OCCI service.

Also translates the WSGI notion of the Header field names to those used by OCCI.

environ -- The WSGI environ


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Parse the body from the WSGI environ.

environ -- The WSGI environ.


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Parse the query from the WSGI environ.

environ -- The WSGI environ.

_set_hostname(environ, registry)

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Set the hostname of the service.

environ -- The WSGI environ. registry -- The OCCI registry.

Variables Details [hide private]


{200: '200 OK',
 201: '201 Created',
 400: '400 Bad Request',
 403: '403 Forbidden',
 404: '404 Not Found',
 405: '405 Method Not Allowed',
 406: '406 Not Acceptable',
 500: '500 Internal Server Error',