# coding=utf-8
# Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Platform Computing
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Non OCCI specific rendering for HTML.
Created on Jul 15, 2011
@author: tmetsch
# disabling 'Method is abstract' pylint check (HTML only support simple ops!)
# pylint: disable=W0223
from occi.core_model import Category
from occi.core_model import Resource, Link
from occi.handlers import QUERY_STRING
from occi.protocol.rendering import Rendering
class HTMLRendering(Rendering):
A simple HTML website rendering for monitoring the service...
mime_type = 'text/html'
css = "body { \
font-family: sans-serif; \
font-size: 0.9em; \
margin: 0; \
padding: 0; \
} \
#header { \
background: #444; \
border-top: 5px solid #73c167; \
} \
#header ul { \
list-style-type: none; \
list-style-image: none; \
margin: 0; \
padding: 0; \
height: 2em; \
} \
#header li { \
margin: 0.2em 0.5em 0.3em 0.5em; \
font-weight: bold; \
display: inline-block; \
} \
#header li a { \
padding: 0.3em; \
text-decoration: none; \
color: #fff; \
} \
#header li a:hover { \
background: #73c167;\
} \
#breadcrumb { \
background: #efefea; \
padding: 1em; \
border-bottom: 1px solid #444; \
} \
td { \
padding: 0.2em; \
background: #eee; \
color: #444; \
} \
table { \
margin: 0 0 1em 1em; \
} \
table ul { \
margin: 0.3em; \
} \
th { \
background: #73c167; \
padding: 0.2em; \
color: #fff; \
} \
h2 { \
margin: 1em; \
font-size: 1.2em; \
color: #444; \
} \
a { \
color: #73c167; \
} \
a:visited { \
color: #444; \
} \
p {\
margin: 1em; \
} \
form {\
margin: 1em; \
} \
#entity { \
margin: 1em; \
def __init__(self, registry, css=None):
Constructor for HTML rendering. Can be used to use other CSS.
registry -- Registry used in this service.
css -- If provided this CSS is used.
Rendering.__init__(self, registry)
if css is not None:
self.css = css
def from_entity(self, entity):
tmp = self._from_entity_head_html(entity)
if 'occi.core.id' not in entity.attributes:
entity.attributes['occi.core.id'] = entity.identifier
if isinstance(entity, Resource):
if len(entity.links) > 0:
tmp += '\n\t\t\t<h2>Links</h2><table>'
tmp += '<tr><th>Kind</th><th>Link</th><th>Target</th></tr>'
for item in entity.links:
tmp += '<tr><td>' + item.kind.term + '</td>'
tmp += '<td><a href="' + item.identifier + '">'
tmp += item.identifier + '</a></td>'
# FUTURE_IMPROVEMENT: string links
tmp += '<td><a href="' + item.target.identifier + '">'
tmp += item.target.identifier + '</a></td>'
tmp += '</tr>'
tmp += '</table>\n'
elif isinstance(entity, Link):
tmp += '\n\t\t\t<h2>Source & Target</h2><ul>'
tmp += '<li><strong>Source: </strong>'
tmp += '<a href="' + entity.source.identifier + '">'
tmp += entity.source.identifier + '</a></li>'
# FUTURE_IMPROVEMENT: string links
tmp += '<li><strong>Target: </strong>'
tmp += '<a href="' + entity.target.identifier + '">'
tmp += entity.target.identifier + '</a></li></ul>\n'
if len(entity.attributes.keys()) > 0:
tmp += '\n\t\t\t<h2>Attributes</h2><table>'
for item in entity.attributes.keys():
tmp += '<tr><th>' + item + '</th><td>'
tmp += str(entity.attributes[item]) + '</td></tr>'
tmp += '</table>\n'
if len(entity.actions) > 0:
tmp += '\n\t\t\t<h2>Actions</h2>'
for action in entity.actions:
tmp += '<FORM action="' + entity.identifier + '?action='
tmp += str(action.term) + '?scheme=' + str(action.scheme)
tmp += '" method="post" />' '<INPUT type="submit" value="'
tmp += str(action.term) + '"/></FORM>'
tmp += '\n'
tmp += '\n\t\t</div>\n\t</body>\n</html>'
return {'Content-Type': self.mime_type}, tmp
def _from_entity_head_html(self, entity):
Private helper function which creates the first part of the HTML.
entity -- The entity to render.
tmp = '<html>\n\t<head>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<title>Resource: ' + entity.identifier + '</title>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<style type="text/css"><!-- ' + self.css + ' --></style>\n'
tmp += '\t</head>\n\t<body>\n'
# header
tmp += '\t\t<div id="header"><ul><li><a href="/">Home</a></li>'
tmp += '<li><a href="/-/">Query Interface</a></li></ul></div>\n'
# breadcrumb
tmp += '\t\t<div id="breadcrumb"><a href="/">»</a> /'
path = '/'
for item in entity.identifier.split('/')[1:-1]:
path += item + '/'
tmp += ' <a href="' + path + '">' + item + "</a> / "
tmp += '<a href="' + entity.identifier + '">'
tmp += entity.identifier.split('/')[-1] + '</a>'
tmp += '</div>\n'
# body
tmp += '\t\t<div id="entity">\n\t\t\t<h2>Kind</h2><ul><li>'
tmp += '<a href="/-/#' + entity.kind.scheme + '-'
tmp += entity.kind.term + '">' + str(entity.kind) + '</a></li></ul>\n'
if len(entity.mixins) > 0:
tmp += '\t\t\t<h2>Mixins</h2><ul>'
for item in entity.mixins:
tmp += '<li><a href="/-/#' + item.scheme + '-'
tmp += item.term + '">' + str(item) + '</a></li>'
tmp += '</ul>\n'
if hasattr(entity, 'summary') and entity.summary != '':
tmp += '\t\t\t<h2>Summary</h2><p>' + str(entity.summary) + '</p>\n'
if entity.title != '':
tmp += '\t\t\t<h2>Title</h2><p>' + str(entity.title) + '</p>\n'
return tmp
def from_entities(self, entities, key):
tmp = '<html>\n\t<head>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<title>Resource listing: ' + key + '</title>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<style type="text/css"><!-- ' + self.css + ' --></style>\n'
tmp += '\t</head>\n'
tmp += '\t<body>\n'
# header
tmp += '\t\t<div id="header"><ul><li><a href="/">Home</a></li>'
tmp += '<li><a href="/-/">Query Interface</a></li></ul></div>\n'
# breadcrumb
tmp += '\t\t<div id="breadcrumb"><a href="/">»</a> /'
path = '/'
for item in key.split('/')[1:-1]:
path += item + '/'
tmp += ' <a href="' + path + '">' + item + "</a> /"
tmp += '</div>\n'
# body
tmp += '\t\t<div id="entity"><ul>\n'
if not len(entities):
tmp += '\t\t\t<li>No resources found</li>\n'
for item in entities:
tmp += '\t\t\t<li><a href="' + item.identifier + '">'
tmp += item.identifier + '</a></li>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</ul></div>\n'
tmp += '\t</body>\n</html>'
return {'Content-Type': self.mime_type}, tmp
def from_categories(self, categories):
tmp = '<html>\n\t<head>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<title>Query Interface</title>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<style type="text/css"><!-- ' + self.css + ' --></style>\n'
tmp += '\t</head>\n'
tmp += '\t<body>\n'
# header
tmp += '\t\t<div id="header"><ul><li><a href="/">Home</a></li>'
tmp += '<li><a href="/-/">Query Interface</a></li></ul></div>\n'
# breadcrumb
tmp += '\t\t<div id="breadcrumb"><a href="/">»</a> /</div>\n'
# body
tmp += '\t\t<div id="entity">\n'
for cat in categories:
tmp += '\t\t<h2><a name="' + cat.scheme + '-' + cat.term + '">'
tmp += repr(cat).upper() + ': ' + cat.term + '</a></h2>\n'
tmp += '\t\t<table>\n'
tmp += '\t\t\t<tr><th>Scheme</th><td>' + cat.scheme
tmp += '</td></tr>\n'
if hasattr(cat, 'title') and cat.title is not '':
tmp += '\t\t\t<tr><th>Title</th><td>' + cat.title
tmp += '</td></tr>\n'
if hasattr(cat, 'related') and len(cat.related) > 0:
rel_list = '<ul>'
for item in cat.related:
rel_list += '<li>' + str(item) + '</li>'
rel_list += '</ul>'
tmp += '\t\t\t<tr><th>Related</th><td>' + rel_list
tmp += '</td></tr>\n'
if hasattr(cat, 'location') and cat.location is not None:
tmp += '\t\t\t<tr><th>Location</th><td><a href="'
tmp += cat.location + '">' + cat.location + '</a></td></tr>\n'
if hasattr(cat, 'actions') and len(cat.actions) > 0:
acts = '<ul>'
for item in cat.actions:
acts += '<li>' + str(item) + '</li>'
acts += '</ul>'
tmp += '\t\t\t<tr><th>Actions</th><td>' + acts + '</td></tr>\n'
if hasattr(cat, 'attributes') and len(cat.attributes) > 0:
attrs = '<ul>'
for item in cat.attributes:
if cat.attributes[item] == 'required':
attrs += '<li>' + item
attrs += ' (<strong>required</strong>)</li>'
elif cat.attributes[item] == 'immutable':
attrs += '<li>' + item
attrs += ' (<strong>immutable</strong>)</li>'
attrs += '<li>' + item + '</li>'
attrs += '</ul>'
tmp += '\t\t\t<tr><th>Attributes</th><td>' + attrs
tmp += '</td></tr>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</table>\n'
tmp += '\t\t</div>\n\t</body>\n</html>'
return {'Content-Type': self.mime_type}, tmp
def to_action(self, headers, body, extras):
cat_str = headers.get(QUERY_STRING)
scheme_index = cat_str.find('scheme=')
if scheme_index != -1:
scheme = cat_str[scheme_index + 7:]
raise AttributeError('Unable to find the scheme. Broken request?.')
index = cat_str.find('action=')
if index != -1:
term = cat_str[index + 7:scheme_index - 1]
raise AttributeError('Unable to find the term. Broken request?.')
tmp = Category(scheme + '#', term, '', {}, '')
cats = self.registry.get_categories(extras)
if tmp in cats:
for item in self.registry.get_categories(extras):
if tmp == item:
del tmp
return item, {}
raise AttributeError('Action is not defined. Check the QI.')